Lying glamorized

I was watching TV a couple of nights ago.  I don’t remember what channel it was or what the ad was for, except that it was trying to sell some kind of alcoholic drink.  What stuck in my mind was that the ad revolved around a sociopathic attempt to get into a club.  The man in the ad lied, saying he was Burt Reynolds.  While the guy at the door scrutinized the fake card the liar gave him, the liar sneaked into the club. The ad tries to make us think lying and cheating is fun, exciting and traits we want to see in men.  It made me feel ill.  If anyone knows what company is using this ad, let me know.  I’ll write/call them to complain and encourage others to do the same.

I found out that the ad is for Jose Cuervo. There’s a lot of press about this ad, but nothing really helps us to understand why glorifying a liar should be part of an ad campaign.

4 thoughts on “Lying glamorized

  1. pathwhisperer says:


    I listed your site as a personal experience with sociopaths site at Please let me know if you are not happy with that. Also please feel free to add any additional personal experience sites you may know.

    I agree with your post. There seems to be a popularization of the sociopathic “you call it cheating, I call it winning” approach.

  2. if you find out who this ad is by, i’d very much like to know. i recently saw it and it left a poor impression, but i can’t remember who is responsible for it. if you find out, let me know, thanks.

  3. sheri says:

    I just saw these notes and have experienced a sociopath in my own life. It was a difficult healing process but am much more astute to the things that should have been alarms before. I have recently been notified this user-loser is on and a friend mailed his profile to me. It’s the most pathetic, hypocritical use of cyberspace I’ve heard about personally! It references a disgusting use of being “christian” and reading mostly the Bible and Lincoln’s Devotional! These books were on his coffee table the evening he choked me & bruised my neck! I never saw him so much as open either!

    I’d be interested in any other forums you know of that deal with this issue. I’ve been studying psychopathology for 2 years now and read everything possible. I’m interested in starting my own blog in Huntsville, AL. There’s a desperate need for women (& probably a few men) here without any resources to help them.

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